Outreach Director Availability Requirements: 20-25 hrs/week Mission, Vision, and Core Values The Freedom church exists to empower people to be free in...
Street Team Lead Availability Requirements: 20-25 hrs/week Mission, Vision, and Core Values The Freedom church exists to empower people to be free in every...
Accountant Specialist Availability Requirements: 5-10 hrs/week Mission, Vision, and Core Values The Freedom church exists to empower people to be free in...
Bookkeeper Availability Requirements: 5-10 hrs/week Mission, Vision, and Core Values The Freedom church exists to empower people to be free in...
Finance Director Availability Requirements: 20-25 hrs/week Mission, Vision, and Core Values The Freedom church exists to empower people to be free in...
Financial Resource Coordinator Availability Requirements: 10-15 hrs/week Mission, Vision, and Core Values The Freedom church exists to empower people to be free in...
Cafe 51 Lead Availability Requirements: 5-10 hrs/week Mission, Vision, and Core Values The Freedom church exists to empower people to be free in...
Retail Director Availability Requirements: 15-20 hrs/week Mission, Vision, and Core Values The Freedom church exists to empower people to be free in...
Youth Director Availability Requirements: 20-25 hrs/week Mission, Vision, and Core Values The Freedom church exists to empower people to be free in...